Theology of Pope Francis

Lesson 11: Opposition to Pope Francis

Lesson 11: Opposition to Pope Francis

As I wrote this series on the theology that informs Francis’ papacy, I became more cognizant of the opposition that has risen against him. I knew it was there, but did not comprehend how deep it ran in certain groups or the strategy these used in attacking him. In closing this series, I want to […]

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Lesson 10: The Spirit in Daily Life

Lesson 10: The Spirit in Daily Life

My plan was to spend the summer casually examining Pope Francis’ theology. It seemed an easy assignment, simply posting summaries of readings I have been wanting to tackle. Those hopes for some quiet academic study quickly went up in flames. Some respondents vociferously chided me for passing indifferently over life-and-death issues. Their chief argument was […]

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Lesson 9: Terrorism and Commodification

Lesson 9: Terrorism and Commodification

As just about every US citizen is discussing the mass murders, I find it helpful to see them as a new form of terrorism found in our technological society. Placing the killings in this context gives me a realistic perspective for engaging in the gun control, mental illness, and Christian teaching debates swirling around us. […]

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Lesson 8: Christian Influence in the Economic System

Lesson 8: Christian Influence in the Economic System

Mark, perhaps our only economist, suggests our present problems have more to do with sinful human nature and abusive political power than economic theory. While reading his comments,I realized John, a model in sustainable agriculture, has been saying pretty much the same thing. For that matter, most of the comments can be read this way. […]

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Lesson 7: The Totalization of the Economic System

Lesson 7: The Totalization of the Economic System

Last week, I claimed that Christians should always be prophetically critiquing the economic systems in which they find themselves, primarily asking if these protect the weak. I also suggested the form of global capitalism presently being practiced in our society is found wanting in this regard. It is not that people have grown more greedy, […]

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Lesson 6: Preliminary Remarks about Christian Economic Thought

Lesson 6: Preliminary Remarks about Christian Economic Thought

I was ready to leave this series. Usually a number of my friends will discuss the lessons either by email or face-to-face. This time I was hearing from nobody. That was a big disappointment, because I felt the perspectives from theologians in the Southern Hemisphere were extremely challenging, especially when we in the US are […]

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Lesson 5: Preference for the Poor

Lesson 5: Preference for the Poor

I have been using long documents issued at the conferences of the Latin American bishops to illustrate Pope Francis’ thought. Both are heavily influenced by the theology of the spirit that primarily comes out of third world countries. I decided examining these was worthwhile, because the Pope has often spoken for many of us. Beyond […]

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Lesson 4: Reform for a New Situation

Lesson 4: Reform for a New Situation

I ended the last lesson reporting that the Latin American bishops with whom I associate Pope Francis’ theology of the spirit think the times call for institutional and pastoral reform. There are two ways to understand reform. The first sees it cleaning up corruption and the second making changes needed in a new situation. Both […]

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Lesson 3: The New Evangelization

Lesson 3: The New Evangelization

John’s comment after last week’s lesson offered an important qualification. He observed that becoming a voice in the political conversation is essential in our time but serving the needy as caring individuals is still more important. That distinction accurately indicates how Pope Francis’ Theology of the Spirit moves beyond Liberation Theology by carefully modifying its […]

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