Lesson 8: Artificial Intelligence on Church Decline

collaborationSo far, I’ve looked at global technological systems to understand the major developments in human evolution taking place around us. You could also use artificial intelligence.

Again, people seem to sense its impact but have difficulty explaining exactly what that is. We are amazed when we read something written by a machine, but we are unsure how it affects us.

Some recent personal events make that clear. A few weeks ago, my college’s honors commission spoke with me about revising its code because artificial intelligence is changing academic scholarship. Within days, a creative writing professor spoke of how it is radically changing how he teaches his classes

Not long before, a friend sent me some short stories and essays written by AI, which we agreed were pretty darn good. Shortly afterward, a son-in-law sent answers given by AI when a friend asked about the current decline of the church.

Looking at that would be an excellent way to start the examination of artificial intelligence planned for the next couple of weeks. I invite you to evaluate the quality of AI’s response as preparation. Ask what you think is good about the answers and what is missing.

AI was asked, “Why is the Church in decline?” It answered:

As of my last update in September 2021, the Christian church faced several challenges, and ti is possible that some of these struggles may still be relevant today.

However, please keep in mind that circumstances can change, and new challenges might have arisen since then. Some reasons for the struggles of the Christian church include:
1. Decline in Church Attendance: Many traditional Christian denominations have experienced a decline in church attendance over the years. This trend is often attributed to changing societal values, increasing secularization, and a shift away from organized religion.

2. Cultural and Social Changes: Rapid cultural changes can sometimes lead to a disconnect between the church and the wider society. Issues such as changing views on gender and sexuality, political polarization, and generational gaps can create challenges for the church in remaining relevant and inclusive.

3. Scandals and Abuse: The Christian church has faced numerous scandals involving clergy misconduct, sexual abuse, and financial improprieties. These incidents have eroded public trust and credibility, leading to a decline in support and membership.

4. Doctrinal and Denominational Differences: The Christian church is composed of various denominations with different theological beliefs and practices. Disagreements over doctrines and interpretations of the Bible have led to divisions within the church, affecting its unity and effectiveness in addressing contemporary issues.

5. Competition with Secularism: In many parts of the world, secularism and atheism have gained prominence, leading to a decline in religious adherence and influence.

6. Rise of New Religious Movements: The growth of new religious movements and alternative spiritualities has presented a challenge to the traditional dominance of Christianity in some regions.

7. Engagement with Modern Technology: While some churches have embraced technology and adapted their outreach efforts, others have struggled to connect with younger generations who primarily interact with the world through digital platforms.

8. Lack of Relevance: Some critics argue that the Christian church has struggled to address modern social, political, and environmental challenges, effectively leading to a perception of irrelevance among certain segments of the population.

9. Financial Pressures: Maintaining church facilities, supporting ministries, and funding charitable activities can be financially challenging, especially when attendance and contributions decline.

10. Globalization and Interfaith Dialogue: The interconnectedness of the world through globalization and increased interfaith dialogue has challenged some aspects of exclusive religious claims, leading to more open discussions about faith and spirituality.

It’s essential to remember that these challenges are not universal, and many churches and Christian communities continue to thrive and positively impact their followers and communities. As with any institution, adaptation, openness to change, and addressing the needs of its members are essential for the Christian church to overcome its struggles and remain relevant in the modern world.

Then, AI was asked: “What must the Church do to become relevant again?”

To become relevant again, the church should consider addressing several key aspects of its approach and practices. It’s important to note that the relevancy of a church can vary depending on its context and the specific challenges it faces. Here are some general steps the church could take to enhance its relevance:

Engage with the Community: The church should actively engage with the local community and understand their needs, concerns, and aspirations. By becoming more involved in community events, social issues, and charitable activities, the church can demonstrate its commitment to making a positive impact.

Embrace Technology: In a digital age, embracing technology is crucial for connecting with a wider audience. The church can use social media, live streaming of sermons, online Bible studies, and other digital platforms to reach out to people who might not attend physical services.

Address Contemporary Issues: The church needs to address contemporary issues and challenges that people are facing today. This includes discussing topics such as mental health, social justice, environmental concerns, and inclusivity.

Modernize Worship Services: While respecting tradition and core beliefs, the church can modernize its worship services to make them more engaging and accessible to younger generations. Incorporating contemporary music, interactive elements, and multimedia presentations can help in this regard.

Be Inclusive and Diverse: Welcoming individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles is essential. Embracing inclusivity fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance for everyone, regardless of their differences.

Focus on Authenticity: Demonstrating authenticity and transparency in leadership and practices can foster trust among members and the broader community.

Invest in Youth and Young Adults: Engaging with and empowering young people is vital for the future of the church. Offering relevant programs, mentorship, and opportunities for involvement can attract and retain younger members.

Provide Practical Guidance: The church should offer practical guidance and support for individuals facing everyday challenges, whether it’s through counseling, support groups, or workshops.

Collaborate with Other Organizations: Partnering with other community organizations and nonprofits can expand the church’s impact and demonstrate its commitment ot collective well-being.

Continuously Self-Reflect and Adapt: Regularly assess the church’s practices and strategies to identify areas of improvement. Adaptation to changing needs and circumstances is crucial for long-term relevancy.

Ultimately, becoming relevant again requires a willingness to adapt while staying true to the core values and teachings of the church. Listening to the needs of the congregation and the wider community is fundamental in charting a path towards relevance and meaningful impact.

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7 Enlightened Replies

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  1. Ira B. Gensemer says:

    I like the idea of being practical. Churches can be too involved with ritual. Perhaps there is a market for more teaching/learning time. Churches can offer help with mental health. Churches can be viewed as hospitals. People go there to be helped.

    • Fritz Foltz says:


    • Fritz Foltz says:

      All the responses I received were much like either Ira or Anne’s comments. Most expressed agreement that the church had to become more relevant to society’s needs. I think it is important to go deeper as Anne did in noticing the limitations of AI. The next lesson tries to do that.

  2. Anne Crawford says:

    I don’t know but I think God and salvation is missing from all this. It reads more like a how-to list for any charitable or service organization.

  3. paul wildman says:

    IMO the debate behind the debate about where to next – can be seen in Ira’s and Anne’s comments above. Social Justice can be mind numbingly secular or politically wobbly woke so how to get a balance here and then to get some ‘spiritus’ / breathing life therein, thereabouts, thereto and therewith?

    IMO a key way to link the two is in say a ‘base affinity community’ within the target area/demographic. And a key part of the modus operandi of said community will need to be mutual Adult and Community Leaning.

    AI did quite a good job here IMO Pastor Fritz – better than i would/could have.

    Can we have a discussion about the creative tension between the Ira and Anne positions please? What are the practical ways to link the two in to the future of our church?

    Thanks ciao paul

  4. Ira Gensemer says:

    It all depends on your motivation. Do you want to talk about it or do something about it? Christianity is pretty well established in the US and it now seems like it is time to act.


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